William Pope L., Correct, 2007
5 minute brain storm starting now:
3.Grotesque 1 a grotesque creature malformed, deformed, misshapen,misproportioned, distorted, twisted, gnarled,mangled, mutilated; ugly, unsightly, monstrous,hideous, freakish, unnatural, abnormal, strange, odd,peculiar; informal weird, freaky. antonym normal.2 grotesque mismanagement of funds outrageous,monstrous, shocking, appalling, preposterous;ridiculous, ludicrous, farcical, unbelievable,incredible
5. Scatalogic Rites of All Nations (this is a title of a 19th C book written by John Bourke)
6. sca·tol·o·gy (sk
1. A title with the prefix in parenthesis and a list of words...
(Un) Ideal
2. Vomit
vomit be sick, spew, heave, retch, gag, get sick; informal throw up, puke, purge, hurl, barf,upchuck, ralph.
2 I vomited my breakfast regurgitate, bring up, spew up, cough up, lose; informal throw up, puke, spit up.nouna coat stained with vomit vomitus; informal puke, spew,barf.3.Grotesque 1 a grotesque creature malformed, deformed, misshapen,misproportioned, distorted, twisted, gnarled,mangled, mutilated; ugly, unsightly, monstrous,hideous, freakish, unnatural, abnormal, strange, odd,peculiar; informal weird, freaky. antonym normal.2 grotesque mismanagement of funds outrageous,monstrous, shocking, appalling, preposterous;ridiculous, ludicrous, farcical, unbelievable,incredible
4. hybrid
nouna hybrid between a brown and an albino mouse cross, cross-breed, mixed breed, half-breed, half-blood; mixture,blend, amalgamation, combination, composite,compound, fusion.adjectivea hybrid organization composite, cross-bred, interbred,mongrel; heterogeneous, mixed, blended,compound, amalgamated, hyphenated5. Scatalogic Rites of All Nations (this is a title of a 19th C book written by John Bourke)
6. sca·tol·o·gy (sk

1. The study and analysis of feces for physiological and diagnostic purposes. Also called coprology.
2. An obsession with excrement or excretory functions.
3. The psychiatric study of such an obsession.
and i'd like to thrown in William Pope L's title from his Kenny Schachter show in London in 2007 :
a riff on that or something that could be as direct and semi shocking and funny as that
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