Friday, October 23, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Time of the Gypsies

more show title possibilities....

grotesque comes from the Latin root as "grotto"....meaning a small cave or hollow...this is interesting....made me think of: below ground, Underground (Emir Kusturica's all should check it out)...the "LOW", the hidden, beneath....the lower part of the body (far away from the brain)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

more ...

grotesque |grōˈtesk|adjectivecomically or repulsively ugly or distorted : grotesque facial distortions.incongruous or inappropriate to a shocking degree: a lifestyle of grotesque luxury.noun1 a very ugly or comically distorted figure, creature, or image : the rods are carved in the form of a series of gargoyle faces and grotesques.( the grotesque) that which is grotesque : images of the macabre and the grotesque.a style of decorative painting or sculpture consisting of the interweaving of human and animal forms with flowers and foliage.2 Printing a family of 19th-century sans serif typefaces.DERIVATIVESgrotesquely |groʊˈtɛskli| |grəˈtɛskli| adverbgrotesqueness |groʊˈtɛsknəs| |grəˈtɛsknəs|nounORIGIN mid 16th cent. (as noun): from Frenchcrotesque (the earliest form in English), from Italiangrottesca, from opera or pittura grottesca ‘work or painting resembling that found in a grotto’ ; “grotto” here probably denoted the rooms of ancient buildings in Rome that had been revealed by excavations and contained murals in the grotesque style.
humor |ˈ(h)yoōmər| ( Brit. humour)noun1 the quality of being amusing or comic, esp. as expressed in literature or speech : his tales are full ofhumor. See note at wit .the ability to perceive or express humor or toappreciate a joke : their inimitable brand of humor | shehas a great sense of humor.2 a mood or state of mind : her good humor vanished |the clash hadn't improved his humor.archaic an inclination or whim.3 (also cardinal humor) historical each of the four chief fluids of the body (blood, phlegm, yellow bile [choler], and black bile [melancholy]) that were thought to determine a person's physical and mental qualities by the relative proportions in which they were present.verb [ trans. ]comply with the wishes of (someone) in order to keep them content, however unreasonable such wishes might be : she was always humoring him to prevent trouble.archaic adapt or accommodate oneself to (something).PHRASESout of humor in a bad mood.DERIVATIVEShumorless |ˈ(h)jumərləs| adjectivehumorlessly |ˈ(h)jumərləsli| adverbhumorlessness |ˈ(h)jumərləsnəs| nounORIGIN Middle English (as humour): via Old Frenchfrom Latin humor ‘moisture,’ from humere (seehumid ). The original sense was [bodily fluid] (surviving in aqueous humor and vitreous humor, fluids in the eyeball); it was used specifically for any of the cardinal humors(sense 3) , whence [mental disposition] (thought to be caused by the relative proportions of the humors). This led, in the 16th cent., to the senses [state of mind, mood] ( sense 2) and [whim, fancy,] hence to humor someone [to indulge a person's whim.] Sense 1 dates from the late 16th cent.

Some definitions to spur ideas

William Pope L., Correct, 2007

5 minute brain storm starting now:

1. A title with the prefix in parenthesis and a list of words...
(Un) Ideal

2. Vomit
vomit be sick, spew, heave, retch, gag, get sick; informal throw up, puke, purge, hurl, barf,upchuck, ralph.
2 I vomited my breakfast regurgitate, bring up, spew up, cough up, lose; informal throw up, puke, spit up.nouna coat stained with vomit vomitus; informal puke, spew,barf.

3.Grotesque 1 a grotesque creature malformed, deformed, misshapen,misproportioned, distorted, twisted, gnarled,mangled, mutilated; ugly, unsightly, monstrous,hideous, freakish, unnatural, abnormal, strange, odd,peculiar; informal weird, freaky. antonym normal.2 grotesque mismanagement of funds outrageous,monstrous, shocking, appalling, preposterous;ridiculous, ludicrous, farcical, unbelievable,incredible

4. hybrid
nouna hybrid between a brown and an albino mouse cross, cross-breed, mixed breed, half-breed, half-blood; mixture,blend, amalgamation, combination, composite,compound, fusion.adjectivea hybrid organization composite, cross-bred, interbred,mongrel; heterogeneous, mixed, blended,compound, amalgamated, hyphenated
5. Scatalogic Rites of All Nations (this is a title of a 19th C book written by John Bourke)
6. sca·tol·o·gy (sk-tl-j)
1. The study and analysis of feces for physiological and diagnostic purposes. Also called coprology.
2. An obsession with excrement or excretory functions.
3. The psychiatric study of such an obsession.

and i'd like to thrown in William Pope L's title from his Kenny Schachter show in London in 2007 :


a riff on that or something that could be as direct and semi shocking and funny as that


This first image is 40 x 60 inches. the other images small 8 x10 and the sculpture piece is roughly 10 x 10 x 10 inches....

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

New Drawings & Paintings



Little Gulliver


Tough Shit

Monday, October 12, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009

New Work

Hey everyone,

Great meeting today. I'm really stoked on working with everyone again.

Anyway, here are two new photographs I've made. These are just quick scans.

Also, here is the link for the music video I made with Raph. (This is a low quality version)

It's called "Reading Rosalind Krauss" by The Size Queens.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I'm Watching You: Surveillance and the Body in Mona Hatoum's Influential Work

Mona Hatoum, born 1952, is an artist currently based in London. The first image is from a performance from 1983 made in response to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, titled The Negotiating Table. It consisted of the artist's body with feet bound wrapped in plastic and gauze, covered in entrails and blood. She lay completely still, breathing, on a table flanked by two empty chairs. The whole scene was lit by a single light bulb. Speakers above played news reports of the invasion.

The second image is from a 1980 performance called Don't Smile; You're on Camera, where she trained a video camera onto a seated audience in front of her. Behind her was a video monitor apparently displaying what the camera recorded. Behind the scenes was an assistant mixing the feed so that when Hatoum trained the camera on someone's clothed chest, either an image of a naked chest appeared, a chest clad in underwear or an x-ray of lungs. At times the gender would be switched as well. Audience members left in anger.

Hatoum on the Negotiating Table: “My performance work at the time was not necessarily a response to events in Lebanon and the Middle East (with the exception of The Negotiating Table), but dealt with the generalized issue of the relationship between the ‘Third World’ and the West.”

Hatoum: “I think artworks are rooted in one’s history and life experience. So inevitably there is a sense of conflict, threat and instability in my work, but it is not meant as an illustration of my own experience.” Her artworks, while rarely autobiographical or explicitly topical, communicate many of her life’s experiences: an outrage at the entrenched racism and sexism in liberal democracies; the condition of exile; the plight of women; and a wariness of state-sponsored surveillance."

The Vagina as Parenthetical: Baylee Hikawa, CCA

What more can I say? I love these. They are direct and funny and yet unexpected. All great qualities in art provoking ambivalence in this viewing subject. Baylee Hikawa's intervention in a Dick and Jane book reminds me of the character, Claudia MacTeer, the nine-year old narrator in the Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison. If I had a prize for the grotesque, she would get it this month.